Through all seasons of life, we strive to provide places for adults to learn, grow and connect in authentic relationships with others.

We invite you to explore our current Bible studies, classes, and small group offerings. Outside of Sunday morning worship services, these are the places where we connect to find encouragement, grow in our faith, and share hope with others.

Small groups are the places we connect in biblical relationships and grow in our faith. Click here to learn more and find a group!

We encourage men to grow as fully devoted followers of Jesus. We believe that when men commit to lead like Christ, it will affect their families, workplaces, and the church.

  • Tuesday Morning Bible Study: Every Tuesday morning, men meet in the Fireside Room from 6-7:15am. They'd love to have you join! Let Doug Whicker know if you plan to attend.
  • Wednesday Night Bible Study: We invite you to join us on Wednesday nights starting in February, as we meet for Bible Study. More into coming soon!
  • Prayer Meeting: We gather to pray over our church family, local & global ministries, and our community. 
  • Saturday Morning Prayer Breakfast: Every 1st Saturday of the month from 7:30-9am in the Fireside Room. Please contact John Roberts for more info.
  • Sportsmen Ministry: Christ-centered fellowship &outreach ministry for outdoorsmen! Hunting, Shooting, Archery, Fishing, Camping, Canoe/Kayaking, ATV/UTV...register to be on communications for this ministry here!
  • FIGHT NIGHTS: These take place a couple times a year (April & November) to challenge men to step up and grow in a specific area of their life! [ Our next Fight Night is in November - registration coming in October ]
  • Men's Whitewater Rafting Trip: 2nd weekend in November
  • 7/8th grade Father & Son Backpacking Trip: 4th weekend in September

 Join our Men's Group on Facebook to stay in the loop!


We meet women where they are, no matter what stage of life, and help them become fully devoted followers of Jesus.

To stay up-to-date with what's currently happening - check out our Facebook page

We offer regular classes to better equip people to serve and live out the commands of Scripture. Click here to see more info and a class list.

West Bridge is home to over 150 people who are over the age of 60! This group represents a tremendous amount of love, life experiences, wisdom and care. As a church, we want to better serve this group of people and equip them to serve the body as well. They go on trip together and are looking for better ways to help serve the community here at West Bridge. Contact Abby Bickel if you want to stay connected with what this group is up to!

If you are in your 20s we offer a College Age class on Sunday mornings at 9am in Rm. A206. Most of our young adults enjoy connecting in our adult small groups or attending events we put on for our entire church. We can help you get connected! Email Abby Bickel for more info.

Before You Visit: In order to prepare the for appropriate level of support and accommodations, we ask that you contact Sarah Johnson for information.

  • Sarah will contact you to review information and discuss appropriate supports and accommodations.

Class Times: Adult's Class (ages 18+) is available on Sundays during the 10:30am service.

What about the Volunteers: 

  • Volunteers receive yearly training in Special Needs Ministry and security and safety procedures.
  • 1-1 helpers are available upon request.
  • Most importantly, our volunteers LOVE teaching and showing them the love and joy of following Jesus.

What Will They Do?

  • Adults participate in games, activities, and prayer time in a way that they are able.
  • They will enjoy worship, through music, and experience a Bible lesson.

What Will They Learn?

  • Our time together is extremely valuable! The volunteers focus their time on two things: building relationships with each individual and teaching them Biblical truth.
  • The Bible is the center of our teaching and worship time. The lesson is adapted for adults with special needs, utilizing visual supports, repetition, sensory integrated activities and structured routines.

Contact: For any questions please contact Sarah Johnson -

I'd like to serve in the Special Needs Ministry