Our mission is to help kids become fully devoted followers of Christ.

Meet our directors: Lyndsay Steward & Kimmy Howard!

West Bridge Kids is an engaging environment where kids ages birth to 4th grade are taught the Word of God at their level.

We strive to make sure that kids are safe and experience the love of God through age-appropriate music, Bible stories, small group time, and caring volunteers. 

Contact: For any questions please contact:

Infants-Preschool: Kimmy Howard    K-4th grade: Lyndsay Steward

Mom's Group

Milestone Classes

Winter Camp | 4-6th Grade

Theology Class

2025 Winter Calendar

Elementary Bible Reading Challenge

Elementary Memory Verse

PreK Memory Verse

What to know about West Bridge Kids  

Kids programming (ages 0-4th grade) is available during the 9:00 & 10:30 hours.

When you check in your child, you will receive two stickers: a name tag and a guardian receipt. One sticker goes on the back (name tag). The other sticker (guardian receipt) you keep with you and present to the volunteer upon pick up. This security measure ensures that no child will be picked up without a matching sticker.

In order to provide the safest environment, we adhere to the following guidelines: 

  • If your child has experienced any of the following in the last 48 hours, he/she is not allowed to join kids programming: fever, vomiting, colored nasal drainage, excessive runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea.
  • If your child experiences any of theses symptoms during the morning, you will be asked to take them home.
  • If your child stays home from school, please keep your child home from church until they are released to go to school again. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.


Nursery care is available during both the 9:00 & 10:30 am services.

Our nursery classes are led by loving and caring volunteers who take the responsibility of your child’s safety very seriously.  Our Walkers and Toddlers classes use the Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible to learn stories from the Bible each week. They also participate in music and coloring pages to go along with the stories we are learning.

Infants (0-walking)
1s (walking through 24 months)
2s (2 years old through 3. Kids move up in January or June, whatever comes first after they turn 3)

Parent Paging System: If you have a child that is under 2 years old, a pager will be provided for you as you check in your child. Pagers are also available upon request for older children. If you are needed and your child does not have a pager, a kids ministry leader will find you during the service or class you are attending.

1:1 Child Help: If your child requires additional help during their class, please contact our kids ministry directors and we would be happy to pair them up with a trained volunteer.

Interested in serving? Click here.


Preschool programming is available during both the 9:00 & 10:30 am services.

Our Preschool classes go through the Bible from start to finish during the school year.  We focus on Biblical truths through songs, games, crafts, and Bible teaching.

3s-4s (Kids will stay in this class until the year before they will enter kindergarten. Promotion Sunday to older classes is the first Sunday in June)
Curriculum: Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible
Pre-K (5 years old: Kids will enter this class the year before they enter kindergarten. Promotion Sunday to older classes is the first Sunday in June) 
Curriculum: Jesus StoryBook Bible


1:1 Child Help: If your child requires additional help during their class, please contact our kids ministry directors and we would be happy to pair them up with a trained volunteer.

Interested in serving? Click here.


Our Elementary ministry is for kids ages Kindergarten-4th grade. We offer this class during both the 9 & 10:30 hours on Sunday mornings. 

Here is a brief outline of what to expect:

What about the volunteers taking care of my kids?

  • We keep updated background checks on all volunteers
  • Volunteers receive yearly training in classroom management and security/safety procedures.
  • Most importantly, our volunteers LOVE teaching your kids and showing them the love and joy of following Jesus.

What do kids do?

  • Kids have an opportunity to be in their grade-level classroom where they participate in age-appropriate games, activities, crafts, prayer time and discussion based on the lesson.
  • Kids enjoy a Large Group time where they worship through music, hear a Bible lesson and learn verses.

What do kids learn?

  • Our time together is extremely valuable!  The volunteers focus their time on two things: building relationships with each kid and teaching them Biblical truth.
  • The bible is the center of our teaching and worship time.  
  • We go through the Bible chronologically, looking at how each individual story ties into the BIG story of God’s plan of redemption through His Son Jesus Christ.
  • Our current curriculum is The Biggest Story.  To learn more about this curriculum, click HERE

1:1 Child Help: If your child requires additional help during their class, please contact our kids ministry directors and we would be happy to pair them up with a trained volunteer.

Interested in serving? Click here.

I'd like to serve in Kids Ministry

Our Special Needs Ministry

Our Mission is to help people of all abilities become fully devoted followers of christ.

Our Special Services Ministry is for anyone, regardless of age, that may require any special accommodations while participating in the life of West Bridge Church.

We work with each family to offer individualized plans, loving volunteers, and a safe environment so individuals can grow spiritually through an accessible gospel.

Class Times: Special Needs Ministry programming, support, and accommodations are only offered on Sundays during the 10:30am service.

In order to prepare for the appropriate level of support and accommodations, we ask that you email Lyndsay Steward before attending. 

Interested in serving in our Special Needs Ministry? Serve Application


Plan of Care

Please email Sarah Johnson if you have questions about support or want further information on our Special Needs Ministry.

Since each individual is so unique, there is a wide range of options available but the most common include:

Inclusion: Child is with their typical grade level peers with support/accommodations. See corresponding grade level to learn more.

Special Needs Class: Child is in the Special Needs Classroom with trained volunteers.

  • What do kids do?
    • Students participate in games, activities, crafts, and prayer time in a way that they are able. Kids also enjoy worship, through music, and experience a Bible lesson.
  • What do kids learn?
    • Our time together is extremely valuable! The volunteers focus their time on two things: building relationships with each kid and teaching them Biblical truth.
    • The Bible is the center of our teaching and worship time. The curriculum is adapted for children with special needs, utilizing visual supports, repetition, sensory integrated activities and structured routines.
  • Hybrid-Inclusion/Special Needs Class: Child spends some time to support them in any of the above settings.
  • 1-1 helper: Students can be paired with a trained volunteer to support them in any of the above settings.

We keep updated background checks on all volunteers.

Volunteers receive yearly training in Special Needs Ministry and security and safety procedures.

Most importantly, our volunteers LOVE teaching your kids and showing them the love and joy of following Jesus.

I want to volunteer!


I'd like to serve in Special Needs Ministry


Also, if you want to receive communications via email but don't currently, we probably don't have an email address (or a current one). All you have to do is send an email to one of the leaders listed above and let them know!