Knowing God

October 27, 2020 | Kimmy & Lyndsay

Introducing our Parent Resource Table
Why a resource table?
One of our biggest passions when we took our jobs last year was coming alongside you guys as parents.  You are the primary disciplers of your kids and we want to help equip you as you instruct and teach your kids about Jesus.  We understand how limited our time at church is and we want to do everything we can to help support you. 
Resource table details:
Each month we will suggest a resource for you based on our theme for the month.  We will provide 3 different sources, based on age (nursery, preschool, and elementary).  Our themes will rotate each month between our Milestone Classes:
  • Purity & Technology 
  • Knowing Jesus
  • Family Worship
  • Parent Commitment 
Why is there a drawing?
Each month we will do a drawing for each resource on the table!  To enter each month, just make sure to swing by the table and put your name in the drawing!
Where is this?
You'll find this table in the gym next to the mobile check in printing station!
October's Resources: Knowing Jesus
This month all of our books are themed around Knowing Jesus/God.  When teaching your kids about God, it's really important to look for ways to learn more about God's characteristics. 
A good way to get in the habit of doing this is to ask your kids a simple question after you read a story together: What does this say about God?  Who is He/what does He do?
As you help your children reflect on this question, it will begin to help them formulate in their minds of what God is like.  
These are 3 books, that we've really enjoyed, that teach on God's attributes:

1. Nursery Resource: I AM: The names of God for Little Ones
