
September 17, 2020 | Kimmy & Lyndsay


This month, several of our 4th-6th graders and their parents will be going through the Purity & Technology Milestone Class.  In light of this, we thought it would be helpful to highlight a few tips and resources for teaching God’s plan for our bodies and His design for sex. 

When it comes to technology and our kids, think of it like driving.  We don’t hand the keys to them when they are 16 having never spoken to them about the ‘ins and outs’ of driving, the dangers of it, and the benefits of it.

When they are little, we talk about the stoplight colors: green means go, yellow means slow down, red means stop.  We teach them what road signs mean.  We talk about the basic mechanics of the car: the steering wheel, turn signal, windshield wipers.  When they get a little older, we let them sit in our laps and turn the wheel while driving through Winter Wonderland at Ellis Park.  Then when they get their permit, we sit next to them and coach, correct, encourage their progress.

Driving a vehicle is a HUGE responsibility and there are risks that come with it.  Isn’t it the same with Technology?  So let’s start the conversation when they're little and keep the conversation going!  Here are a few tips and resources for each age group.



Use correct terms for parts of the body: Saying the appropriate names for body parts paves the way for *less* awkward conversations when they are older.  Also, if someone is acting inappropriate with them, they can communicate clearly.



Lower Elementary (K-2)


  1. Talk often about God’s good plan for our bodies.  Before you discuss the distortions of God’s plan, it’s good for them to have a solid foundation about why God made them (for His glory and His purpose) and that His plans are always right and best.
  2. If your child is issued a device through their school (chromebook, tablet), have clear guidelines about proper use.  Just because they bring it home, doesn’t mean they have to use it.
  3. Teach “safe googling” and “safe YouTube” use.  These search settings do not realize there is a child on the other end and certain words can trigger images or videos that you don’t want them to see.



Upper Elementary (3-5)


If you are married, discuss with your spouse the *rough* plan and time frame for when you will give your child their own device (tablet, phone, etc).  If you don’t discuss it, it can sneak up on you.  Do lots of research and seek wise counsel.



Middle School/High School



Books/Websites for Parents

