30 Days to Live
Upper Room Momentum


July 14, 2019


July 7, 2019

Pursuing Jesus in the "Good Things"

November 25, 2018

Pure Confidence

November 18, 2018

Pure Generosity Week 2

November 11, 2018

Pure Generosity

November 4, 2018

Pure humility to serve like Christ

October 28, 2018

Pure righteousness

October 21, 2018

Pure compassion!

October 14, 2018

Pure LOVE for one another

October 7, 2018

Pure love for our Lord!

June 30, 2019

Reframing Our Perspective

In the wrap up message to our series on Jonah, we see that God wants to reframe our perspective of Him, and others. This final lesson from Jonah is an important step in understanding the lengths to which God will go to help us realign our perspective of what's most important to the Lord.

June 23, 2019

Let's Try This Again

Jonah is finally ready to listen and obey the Lord. In chapter 3 of Jonah we see God's desire to continue to change and develop Jonah and us into the people He wants us to be.

June 16, 2019

Alone with God

"God does some of his best work in us when we're at the end of ourselves." Jonah is starting to learn this truth and he finally prays to the Lord for help. Listen to this week's message to hear the pattern of Jonah's prayer that we can learn from.

June 9, 2019


In week 1 of our series on Jonah, we'll see how God pursues those that he loves and what he was willing to do to get Jonah's attention and ours. "God will send a variety of storms your way to protect you from the biggest storm of all, yourself."

June 2, 2019

30 Days to Live - Give Yourself Fully to the Work of the Lord

May 26, 2019

30 Days to Live - Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart

May 19, 2019

30 Days to Live - Follow Jesus into the Way of Love

May 12, 2019

30 Days to Live - Bask in the Sunlight of God's Love!

May 5, 2019

Believe - the Miraculous Catch of Fish

April 28, 2019

Believe - The Story of Thomas

April 21, 2019


April 14, 2019

Believe - The Story of Nicodemus

We’re going to join our Lord as He huddles with HIS disciples - just hours before He goes to the cross! And the truth He hands to them in that Upper Room - is PURE FUEL - to propel us as we set-out to go be a blessing to those around us for HIS glory!

Our PURIFI series equipped us with a renewed passion to live a life that’s pleasing to Him! And now we huddle with Him to hear Him say "OK TEAM - here we go - this is what you'll need as you set-out to GO be a blessing!"

April 7, 2019

Upper Room Momentum - Week 4

March 31, 2019

Upper Room Momentum - Week 3

March 24, 2019

Upper Room Momentum - Week 2

The disciples had a powerful conversation with Jesus while in the Upper Room. Jesus tells them many important things about himself and the Father and how he will only be gone for a little while. But the disciples still struggle with understanding and trusting so Jesus spends time reassuring them and helping them see who He is and what He's about to do.

March 17, 2019

Upper Room Momentum - Week 1

March 26, 2023

Leading to the Cross...

March 19, 2023

A Strong Foundation

March 12, 2023

A Simple Prayer

March 5, 2023

When We Lose Sight of God's Design

February 26, 2023

Preaching or Practicing?

February 19, 2023

An Invitation to Become Poor in Spirit

February 12, 2023

All You Have To Do Is Pray

February 5, 2023

My Words, My Plans, My Trials, My Money

January 29, 2023

Helpful Warnings

January 22, 2023

Gaining Wisdom

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