Guest Speaker
THRIVE: helping families maneuver life's challenges
Reset: Life on Mission
Houston, We Have a Problem
Reset : Witness


October 2, 2022

Reaching the Unreached

In this message, we focus on God's call to "go and make disciples of all nations" as we hear from one of our supported missionaries - Kent Craig!

August 25, 2019

True Greatness

Dr. Tim Kimmel is the Executive Director of Family Matters (, whose goal is to equip families to appropriate God's grace in every age and stage of life. He is also a well-known national speaker and best-selling author of many books including Grace Based Parenting and most recently, Grace Filled Marriage.

July 21, 2019


September 4, 2022

Day of Prayer & Praise

We're starting a new ministry year as a church, and there is no better way to start than to begin in prayer, seeking the Lord together for the year ahead. 

September 5, 2021

This, Then, is How You Should Pray...

This week was a special service as a church family focused on prayer - focusing our eyes on our Lord and seeking HIM for the ministry year ahead!

September 6, 2020

Day of Prayer 2020

Psalm 107 gives us fuel for our soul to WORSHIP the Lord! "Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love..."

September 1, 2019

Day of Prayer

It doesn't take much to mess with our perspective. And when our perspective is off our fuel to live-out our life mission runs low. Today's message leads us to a powerful truth that will help us maintain a healthy perspective.

August 28, 2022

3 of our Biggest Cultural Issues

Oftentimes the ones we are the most honest with are those we live and do life with. Those, hopefully constructive, criticisms can be hard to hear sometimes, but did you know a healthy, thriving family is the best place to help guard your heart? They see us in a way we don't see ourselves. This week we wrap up our THRIVE family series as we uncover 3 of the biggest cultural issues we face today. We'll look for wisdom from God's Word to help our families THRIVE in our current culture as we seek to glorify Him in all things! 

August 21, 2022

Finances God's Way

This week we take a look at what the Bible has to say about one of the biggest stressors within a family. However, when we use some biblical guidelines, we can turn the stressor into an opportunity to glorify God as a family and enjoy His goodness!

August 14, 2022

Parenting: Love God & Love Your Kids

What is our goal with parenting? Do we work to bring glory to God or to ourselves? We may not always get it right, in fact, we certainly won't, but God's Word is our guiding force. This week we will be in Deuteronomy 6 to hear what God tells his people. It's not complicated, it's actually quite relieving to know what God commands and it will help us in all areas, not just parenting.

August 7, 2022

Process the Hurt

This is the first week of our new message series called "THRIVE". We are aimed at helping families maneuver life together and THRIVE in Christ! This week we start by looking at Ephesians 5.1-2 for wisdom in processing the hurt in life and restoring relationships. 

July 31, 2022

God is at Work

We're finishing up our message series on 'living life on mission' and it's a wild ride as we 'set sail' with Paul through the Mediterranean! We'll be reminded through Acts 27 that God is at work in the storm, seeing it in Paul's experience and looking for Him in our 'storms' as well.

July 24, 2022

Wherever God Places Us

This week we encourage each other to keep living on mission as we look at Paul's example in Acts 18. No matter where God places each of us, we can be sure He has opportunities available for let's gear up for victory!

July 17, 2022

Engage Your Culture

We continue our study through the book of Acts... this Sunday we'll see how Paul engaged the culture around him and learn from him how to engage our culture today. We'll be in Acts Chapter 17!

July 10, 2022

Making the Most of Every Opportunity

We continue our message series in Acts 16!  We see how Paul made the most of every opportunity he had and how we can seek to do the same in our own lives.

July 3, 2022

What God Wants Us To See

This week we'll join Paul on his life mission to be encouraged to live our everyday lives like we're on a mission, too. 

June 26, 2022

Houston, We Have a Problem: Week 4

This message will wrap up our series... as we look at how we are called to navigate debatable issues. Romans 14 gives direction as we seek to engage like Christ.

June 19, 2022

Houston, We Have a Problem: Week 3

In Week 3 we go after another problem that answers the question: What makes a good leader? 1 Corinthians 3 has the info we need to answer this question plus gives us guidance on how to be co-workers in God's service.

June 12, 2022

Houston, We Have a Problem: Week 2

This week we dig into Philippians 4. We'll be discovering the path of peace that helps us sort through conflict and disunity with grace. 

June 5, 2022

Houston, We Have a Problem: Week 1

In this message, we look through Galatians 5 to see one problem in the early church that we still might experience today. The good news? We find our remedy IN CHRIST!

May 29, 2022

How To Handle Collision

In this message Pastor Jon takes us through our final message in our WITNESS series with Acts 15 and helps us know how to respond during a collision...there's something to see, believe & do!

May 22, 2022

Why Pray?

Acts 12 gives us a glimpse into how God works through our prayers. We see God working through the prayers of the early church and the church today.

May 15, 2022

5 Marks to Help You Thrive

We're jumping back into our RESET message series through the book of Acts. It's going to be a great text to remind us of our mission as followers of Christ! We're reading through Acts 11 to find 5 marks that help us thrive both in our personal walk with Christ and also as a church body. 

April 17, 2022

Easter Service

Whether you're full of joy or longing for a brighter day soon, know that YOU ARE LOVED & you can celebrate the HOPE that we have because He is risen from the grave!

April 10, 2022

Let's GO!

This week we gain momentum from Acts 14 - seeing how the good news of the gospel built up the early church and fuels us to 'GO', too!

April 3, 2022

From Ordinary to EXTRAordinary

As we continue our series in Acts, we will see how the gospel continues to advance, even to the ends of the earth. And we will learn how God uses ordinary believers to do something extraordinary! 

March 27, 2022

Living On Mission With Resilience

Stephen is an example of a witness in Acts 6-7 that was resilient in the face of adversity, even to the end. May we be faithful to proclaim the good news of Christ in the highs and lows, too!

March 20, 2022

It Will Not Be Stopped!

Are you ready for some 'wind in your sails'? Could you use some encouragement to keep on?! We are in Acts 5, and are reminded of some encouraging truth - that we can be a part of something that WILL NOT BE STOPPED because our God has already overcome the enemy! 

March 13, 2022

Great Fear

This week we'll see how God pours out his grace through HIS CHURCH! We're praying God's grace flows through YOU as you are an important part of His church here @ West Bridge. 

March 6, 2022

The Courage....

Acts 4 shows us examples where the BOLDNESS of Jesus-followers makes a big difference in their community. We'll look for the source of their boldness and see how it is available to us today, too!

February 27, 2022

Witness, Praise & Repent

We usually have lots on our "to-do" lists or things we want to do or change, but what if we had something greater to focus on that would help everything else fall into it's right place?! As we look at Acts 3 on Sunday, we'll be reminded of what (or WHO) is the treasure, the focus, and the reason we can find peace, even when our to-do list is long! 

February 20, 2022

5 Marks of a Thriving Church

When the body of Christ is working together, it is a beautiful thing! This week we look at the rest of Acts 2 to see some defining marks of HIS church working together for HIS glory! We'll also be sharing specific ways we can do this as HIS church here at West Bridge and beyond.

February 13, 2022

Something New

We all love new things. The look of new paint. The smell of a new car. The way new clothes fit. God does something new in Acts 2 that radically changed the world in which we live. As a matter of fact, this new thing He did is the reason our church is here today!

February 6, 2022

What We Do In The Waiting Moments of Life

We're finishing up Acts 1 as we take a look at how to navigate those seasons in life when we're left waiting. It doesn't have to be wasted time if we are obedient to what God calls us to do! 

January 30, 2022

Can I get a witness?

We each have unique passions, yet there's one passion that should unite us as followers of Christ! We're kicking off a series through the book of Acts to help ignite our passion to be HIS church. Week 1 we'll take a look at our gift and our calling as Christ-followers...and what we do from there!

December 3, 2023

He Came to Save His People

November 26, 2023

In His Shadow: Week 4

November 19, 2023

In His Shadow: Ruth 3

November 12, 2023

In His Shadow: Ruth 2

November 5, 2023

In His Shadow: Ruth 1

October 29, 2023

Praying like Paul (pt. 2)

October 22, 2023

Praying Like Paul

October 15, 2023

Praying Like Jesus

October 8, 2023

The Reason Behind the Why

October 1, 2023

3 Growth Catalysts

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