The Way Home
ONEthing I do
Dysfunctional Families


Psalm 27.4 says ONE THING I ask from the Lord - this only do I seek - that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple.  

And Jesus to Martha in Luke 10.42 - but few things are needed - or indeed - ONLY ONE…

What if we lived this year in the sweet spot of SEEKING HIM as our ONE THING - valuing our relationship with HIM as our ONE THING? What if our passion is to live each moment of each day enjoying HIS presence as the great treasure of our lives? What if we grow in our habit of PRAISE and THANKSGIVING - so that these become our default postures? What if our friendship with HIM becomes so precious that to surrender to HIS will is our greatest joy?

If HE is our ONE THING, everything else He calls us to do will happen because worship fuels life. Then we'll be equipped and fueled as we seek HIM!

January 19, 2020

The Pathway

Jesus left us with a very clear purpose: make disciples. He laid it out in Matthew 28:19-20. As Christians, we're either making disciples or being discipled. Discipleship is a life long process. The disciples, that group of Jesus followers who knew him best, struggled at times to follow Him, so it stands to reason we may at times as well.

January 12, 2020

The Possibility

In this message we'll unpack "THE possibility" - the most important possibility of drawing near to God and making this one ONE THING priority for this coming year.

January 5, 2020

Paradigm Shift

This week's message is centered around 'ONE THING' that will enable us to do things we never thought possible! John 15.5 will help us realize apart from HIM we can do NOTHING. We hope you find encouragement as you listen!

October 13, 2019

Living in His Presence

In this message we discover the one thing that mobilizes us to do the good God created us to do!

October 6, 2019

To Be With You

Psalm 84 is packed full of truth that we can use as this week's "soundtrack" in our hearts. In this part of our ONEthing series, we'll look at what 3 daily habits we can make a part of our lives to help us as we long to be with Him.

September 29, 2019

From Him

How do we connect in relationship, the way God wants us to, when life's ups and downs seem to get the best of us? One thing. HIM. Listen to this week's message to hear what we are called to do, as believers, and how we can have harmony in all of our relationships! From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:16

September 22, 2019

Whom Shall I Send

In this message we'll look at an instance in Isaiah's life when he is dwelling in the house of the Lord and the result it has on his life. We'll discover how to live-out our unique life mission with courage and boldness!

September 15, 2019

Psalm 100

In this message we discover a simple but powerful gift God has given us to help us step into a life of worship.

September 8, 2019

DWELL in HIS presence

As we do life with an ever-expanding "TO DO" list what's the ONE THING that matters most? Listen to this week's message to get a powerful truth that will refocus us to what's truly important and will allow us to do the good God has created us to do!

We all have things we long for. This Christmas season as we dwell in His presence, we'll set our eyes on Him and our future Home that will exceed our greatest expectations!

December 29, 2019

Thank the Shepherd

In this message we'll take the final step on the prayer path by tracking through Psalm 23. These six verses will help us navigate the "fog" of our uncertain future!

December 22, 2019

At His Table

One thing we treasure most about home is gathering around the dinner table for a delicious meal with our family! Today's message invites us to take our place as children of God @ our Father's table and talk with Him about what we lack.

December 15, 2019

He is my King

In this message we'll take the second step in the prayer path to being at home with HIM that's powerful to help us live in the presence of the Lord.

December 8, 2019

Longing for Home...

The GIFT of CHRISTMAS is the treasure of knowing HIM – of being at home with our SAVIOR! It's sharing your life with HIM just as intimately as you share life with the people you love. It’s being in the same room with the ONE who gave HIS life for us! And our fitting response is CONFESSION!

Life is like a race.  This message series is aimed to help us run this race of life spending our lives pursuing what matters most!  We'll be unpacking a letter the Apostle Paul wrote to group of Jesus followers in Philippi.  Each week we'll discover some helpful truth empowering us to press on as we follow Christ through the ups and downs of life.  So that we can say with Paul, "But ONE THING I do:  Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I PRESS ON toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3.12-13)

December 1, 2019


As Christians in North America one of the greatest struggles we face is contentment. The Apostle Paul shows us in Philippians chapter 4 that we can be content regardless of our circumstances. The good news, is that if you find yourself as a person who's not content, contentment is something you can learn!

November 24, 2019

The JOY of the Lord

Why is it so important that we have JOY? This week's message will give us some tools to help us respond to the circumstances of life in a way that's pleasing to our Lord and brings lasting joy to us!

November 17, 2019

Press On

Is my passion to be known or to know HIM? Do I want to be in power or experience HIS power flowing through me? The truth we receive through the first part of Philippians 3 is powerful to help us clarify our focus on what matters most in life!

November 10, 2019


In Philippians 2:19-30 Paul gives us 2 human examples of what humility looks like. Timothy, Epaphroditus and even Paul selflessly served each other and the people in their faith community. Each one of them gives us a great reminder of areas we can all improve in our own lives as we live out our faith.

November 3, 2019


What matters most in life? Relationships. In this message we'll discover three mindset shifts that lead to healthy relationships. We'll see how these mindsets help our relationships THRIVE for His glory. Philippians 2.1-18 shows us some practical ways to live this out.

October 27, 2019

To Live is Christ

In part 2 of our study in Philippians, Paul shows us how to have joy and contentment, regardless of our circumstances. Specifically, Paul is addressing some of the concerns of the church in Philippi. The great news, though, is that what caused Paul to have joy, no matter what, applies to us as well. It's what led him to say, "whatever happens, conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel."

October 20, 2019

You Have a Team

Could you use a little encouragement today? This text is packed with encouraging truth to help us follow Jesus in our everyday life!

Since the Garden of Eden every family has had one thing in common - dysfunction.

No family is exempt.

During this 4-week series we'll look at 4 families from the Bible and 4 ways we can break the cycle of dysfunction.

August 18, 2019


The last dysfunctional family we'll look at might be the most dysfunctional family of all. The church. The church is the source of some incredible good in this world and also some incredible dysfunction. This week we'll look at the Corinthian church and Paul's words to them, and us.

August 11, 2019


Even Jesus had a dysfunctional family. The one trait that marked Jesus' interactions with His family was humility. Humility interrupts dysfunction and allows us to honor God and each other. Listen to this week's message to learn more!

August 4, 2019


The word 'idol' seems foreign to us and not applicable. However, each one of us has things in our lives that distract us and take our attention away from the Lord and, at times, our families. King Solomon had a LOT of idols. Listen this week to see how dysfunction comes when we let idols take control.

July 28, 2019


Forgiveness is easy to talk about but hard to put into practice. The life of Joseph, in the Old Testament, gives us 5 ways to understand forgiveness better. Listen to this week's message to learn how dysfunction can end where forgiveness begins.

July 14, 2019


July 7, 2019

Pursuing Jesus in the "Good Things"

November 25, 2018

Pure Confidence

November 18, 2018

Pure Generosity Week 2

November 11, 2018

Pure Generosity

November 4, 2018

Pure humility to serve like Christ

October 28, 2018

Pure righteousness

October 21, 2018

Pure compassion!

October 14, 2018

Pure LOVE for one another

October 7, 2018

Pure love for our Lord!

March 5, 2023

When We Lose Sight of God's Design

February 26, 2023

Preaching or Practicing?

February 19, 2023

An Invitation to Become Poor in Spirit

February 12, 2023

All You Have To Do Is Pray

February 5, 2023

My Words, My Plans, My Trials, My Money

January 29, 2023

Helpful Warnings

January 22, 2023

Gaining Wisdom

January 15, 2023

Hope in Hard Times

January 8, 2023

Bask in His Presence

January 1, 2023

What Great Faith!

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